Charlotte Mason Español was founded by Jo Perez-Ray in 2019 with the goal to help promote the Charlotte Mason method of education among families and educators with Spanish heritage in the Americas, Spain, and the world, in a way that is culturally relevant and faithful to Charlotte Mason’s principles.

Our objectives:

  • To translate into Spanish the six-volume, “Home Education” Series by Charlotte Mason, available for free online.
  • To provide a virtual, Spanish-speaking Charlotte Mason educational community that aligns itself as closely as possible to Charlotte Mason’s writings.
  • To promote and share culturally relevant educational resources and initiatives for the growth of Spanish-speaking Charlotte Mason educators.


  • Charlotte Mason Español was born out of the inspiration drawn from Charlotte Mason’s writings–Jo Pérez Ray was raising her babies in the US when she decided her sister and friends in Chile needed to read these books in Spanish. Urgently!
  • With that vision in mind, Jo met María Elena Ortiz of A Living Education en español–thanks to the Charlotte Mason curriculum AmblesideOnline–and both started an “official” translation of Charlotte Mason’s “Home Education” in 2019.
  • In order to share this book more widely, Jo thought it would be fun to have a community of Spanish-speaking Charlotte Mason Educators–exactly before Covid hit! Talk about God’s timing! Hundreds of families joined from Latin America, the United States, Spain and other parts of the world.
  • The translation project and permanent conversations online were carried out during the pandemic, helping us stay sane. We’ve been reaching Spanish-speaking educators all over the globe, permanently developing local and virtual initiatives.
  • Many individuals who started with us have now gone to create their own Charlotte Mason initiatives which is spreading this education even farther.
  • Thanks to the many volunteers in the community of Educators, we are now working on the first community translation of the Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Series, which is being made gradually available online, for free.
  • Given that many of the educators in our community are located in the United States, Jo founded the Hispanic Charlotte Mason Initiative in late 2023 in order to provide support in English and Spanish for homeschooling families and schools the United States who wish to recover and include a Hispanic (Spanish and Latino) identity in their educational programs.
  • God is still writing this story…

Video clip recorded for the Charlotte Mason Conference in 2022.

“Children should have the joy of living in far lands, in other persons, in other times – a delightful double existence; and this joy they will find, for the most part, in their story books.” Charlotte Mason


The Hispanic Charlotte Mason Initiative exists to provide support in English and Spanish for homeschooling families and schools in the United States who wish to include a Hispanic (Spanish and Latino) identity in their educational programs.

Comunidad Educadores Charlotte Mason Iberoamérica

Comunidad Educadores Charlotte Mason Iberoamérica is a community of Spanish-speaking educators with the goal to promote and exchange about the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy in Latin America, the United States, Spain and the world.